Category: Hair and Bio Energy World

Bioenergy and food science is a Science studies nutrition from a chemical point of view : Proteins, Carbohydrate, Sugar, Metals and vitamins Further, the science didn’t realize the existence of the prana .. thus, nutrition hasn’t been studied from the prana point of view: amount and kind of prana, their types in food and how it affects the human body.
Canned food contains much or little the same amount of Protein, Carbohydrate, and other chemicals compared to fresh food, but no doubt the last is more nourishing than the canned food because it contains more prana. The same principle applies to natural and synthetic vitamins, Natural is more powerful and effective than a synthetic vitamin because it contains more prana. Hardly cooked foods not only destroy some of their nutrients but lose much of their prana cause extended heating. It is essential to have a healthy body and hair, to have well-balanced nutrition.

Chin Mudra benefits for hair growth & prevent hair loss

What is Mudra? Simply, Mudra is a hand gesture that leads the energy flow to specific areas of the brain. and depending on what we specifically need (for example: specifically need for hair health and growth) we can find many types of Mudras to bring different benefits and benefits for what we are specifically looking […]

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Prasanna Mudra benefits for hair growth & prevent hair loss

Prasanna Mudra is beneficial in curing hair loss. It has the unique power to stimulate hair regrowth. How to do the mudra? Bring your hands near the chest and press the nails of the four fingers on each other. Do this practice for 5 to 10 minutes every day for 30 days. Remember to keep […]

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Pran Mudra benefits for hair growth & prevent hair loss

Pran Mudra ( also called Prana Mudra ) means life energy or a force.It is useful to increase the pranic energy (vital force) and also enhance immunity and vitality. so, it stimulates the root chakra and directs the energy to this body, Besides many benefits which can give you the best shining and glowing hair. […]

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The concept of negative energies that we are exposed without our knowledge of them

Introduction In this post, we will show you a way that gains you negative energy, which you can easily transform it into positive energies. And work to create the body’s energy harmony with the largest energy that surrounds us and nourishes us, which is the Earth. Earth is one of the most important sources of […]

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10 Ways to get rid of the static in your hair

Static hair (static electricity) is really annoying, It occurs when negatively-charged electrons fly off your hair, leaving your strands filled with positive charges that resist each other, resulting in flyaway, unpredictable hair that can sometimes be so difficult to style. Therefore, how to get rid of static hair? 1 – Avoid Using Plastic Combs Using […]

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Vayu Mudra benefits for hair growth & prevent hair loss

Some of the Vayu Mudra benefits for hair and health: Vayu Mudra decreases the Vayu element in the body giving many health benefits. Since the restless and anxious mind is known to be one of the primary reasons behind hair fall. Therefore, this mudra calms your mind and nervous system which in turn gives you […]

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Prithvi Mudra benefits for hair growth & prevent hair loss

Prithvi Mudra increases the earth element and decreases fire element of the body so it is giving many beneficial effects including strengthening the tissues of the body and the reducing body temperature. and all of these beneficial effects will positively reflect on your hair health and growth and prevent hair loss. This mudra is considered […]

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The exercise of the laundry tweezers to strengthens hair

This simple exercise of laundry tweezers can strengthen and freshen your hair when you continue to apply it twice or three times a week until you find the result has been satisfied.Where the tweezers are placed on the fingernail of each finger, and in one hand only for five minutes, and you can apply them […]

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