How banana mask can help prevent and control dandruff?
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Your scalp is the base for your hair follicles, so how you nourish it and how healthy it is has a direct effect on your hair follicle health. When your scalp is not healthy, dryness and fungus form, which in turn results in a flaky scalp and dandruff.
Dandruff symptoms are often caused by irritation, dryness, also as fungal and bacterial pathogens.
So here we will explain How a banana mask can help prevent and control dandruff.
Using banana masks for hair can prevent all of these problems, Banana is a powerhouse of vital nutrients and minerals and rich sources of potassium, magnesium, amino acids, and various vitamins like A, B, and E. They can do wonders for your overall health. One of the key nutrients present in bananas is potassium, which is important to promote hair growth because it helps in controlling dandruff.
Applying banana masks to your scalp can add moisture (cutting down on dryness) and also rid your scalp of these microscopic offenders causing your dandruff symptoms.
To prepare a banana mask that can help prevent and control dandruff you just need a ripe banana and fresh lemon juice and tea tree oil in these quantities:
- 1 ripe banana.
- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice (fresh).
- 3-4 drops of tea tree oil.
How to prepare a banana mask to prevent and control dandruff:
- Mash the banana.
- Mix all the ingredients in a bowl (until you have a thick even paste).
- Apply this all over the scalp and cover the entire surface, as well as the roots of the hair.
- Let it sit for half an hour.
- Rinse well (You should also be careful while you are washing banana hair masks out of your hair. You should wash it completely. Banana debris left on your scalp can cause irritation and worsen symptoms of dandruff.)
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