Tag Archives: natural-dye

Dye your hair with henna

One of the most popular natural hair coloring ingredients, henna is a powdered form of the leaves that come from the henna plant. These leaves have a natural and effective coloring dye. Natural henna, on its own, creates a red-orange color.Redheads and brunettes (looking for a bit of auburn) are the best candidates for henna […]

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Dye your hair with tea

Black tea can help you go darker, and can also help cover gray hairs.but keep in mind that dyeing your hair with tea works best with your natural color.For example, you won’t be able to turn blonde hair brunette. But black tea can darken blonde hair and chamomile can lighten it especially if you sit in the […]

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Dye your hair with coffee

Dye hair with coffee works great if you’re looking to go darker, cover gray hairs, or add dimension to dark tresses for your hair. To dye your hair with coffee:

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